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Simple Integration

Rental relay api simplified integration for locations

This is a simplified way to integrate with the api.

The client just need to send in all data in a post request, and we figure out how to talk with the actual rest api

All request in these documents are written as raw http request, and you convert that to what ever language


We provide an open api v3 schema.

You can find it here:

Visit data

Visit data needed by the api are

  • Vehicle plate
  • Vehicle owner kennitala
  • Vehicle registration date
  • Visit started on 2022-04-27 15:41:00
  • Visit ended on 2022-04-27 15:41:00 can be the same as started on



actor Customer
participant "Location"
participant "Rental Relay"

Customer->"Location": Pay for service
"Location"->"Rental Relay": Send payment and vehicle info
"Rental Relay"-->"Location":Returns message and status
"Location"-->Customer:Payment complete

Http flow

Send payment to api

GET https://baseUrl/payment
Authorization: Bearer {{TOKEN}}


    "location": "4347885e-67c6-46bf-be27-45111bc11645",
    "vehicle": {
        "owner": "6511740239",
        "plate": "plate",
        "acquiredOn": "2022-05-25"
    "visit": {
        "startedOn": "2022-05-25 12:00:00",
        "endedOn": "2022-05-25 12:30:00"
    "payment": {
        "amount": 1000,
        "currency": "ISK"

Js example

const visit = {
    "location": "4347885e-67c6-46bf-be27-45111bc11645",
    "vehicle": {
        "owner": "6511740239", // should be rental company kennitala
        "plate": "plate",
        "acquiredOn": "2022-05-25"
    "visit": {
        "startedOn": "2022-05-25 12:00:00",
        "endedOn": "2022-05-25 12:30:00"
    "payment": {
        "amount": 1000,
        "currency": "ISK"


async function createPayment(visit) {

	const result = await sendToApi('/payment', visit);
    if ( {
        // success
    else {
        // error

const baseUrl = 'https://baseurl';
const apiToken = 'your api token';

async function sendToApi(endpoint, payload)
	const response = await fetch(baseUrl + endpoint, {
		method: 'POST',
		headers: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json',
			'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiToken,
		body: JSON.stringify(payload) // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
	return response.json();